Heart Chakra vs. Sex Chakra
I’ve been opening my sex.And it had the most extraordinary result.I’m in love.I opened the base and the sacral chakra, and in the process my heart chakra expanded. I just visited a friend who has done the heart work – the connecting through the eyes kind of stuff – for a very long time. He is good at it, in his field kind of a guru.He used to challenge the sex focus of my work. He said the heart needed to be involved in the sex, else we were unhealthily focused. And that may be true. What I see often in ‘spiritual’ people is that they are focussing too much on the heart and the compassion side of things and their base and sacral chakras are completely underdeveloped. They are not nurturing or harnessing one of the most powerful energies there is. As a result they often seem unstable – they are idealists with no power. These past days, I realised I will be able to respond to their challenges now. The challenge of being …